Jesus is Real

Jesus is Real is the radio teaching of Pastor Daniel Fusco. He likes to employ what some describe as a unique style of teaching. He likes to take the timeless truths of Scripture and make them easily accessible and applicable for men and women of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures.
Here’s my story.
I grew up spiritually apathetic and culturally Catholic. Because of faithful people sharing with me the truth about who Jesus is, I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in 1998 while I was in my last year at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. After spending a few years touring as a professional upright and electric bass player, I felt called to pastoral ministry. My spiritual leaders confirmed this call, and I was taken on staff at Calvary Chapel Marin under the direction of Pastor John Henry Corcoran in January of 2000.
After being ordained in 2002, I was sent back to the East Coast to plant Calvary Chapel New Brunswick. In November of 2006, I turned over the church to a pastor who I had helped raise up, so I could move back to the San Francisco Bay area and plant more churches.
While I was there, I planted Calvary North Bay in Mill Valley, CA and in 2010 while continuing to pastor Calvary North Bay, I planted Calvary San Francisco. Both churches grew and I helped raise up leadership teams in each of them. I founded the Calvary Church Planting Network, which helps facilitate and support church planters.
In 2012, God blew my mind when he led me to turn over both of those churches and move to the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where I became the Lead Pastor of Crossroads Community Church, which has campuses in Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR. Crossroads was one of the first mega-churches in the Northwest, founded in 1976, and God is still doing an amazing work in Vancouver/Portland area through the Crossroads family of faith.
More About Me
I employ what some describe as a unique style of teaching. I like to take the timeless truths of Scripture and make them easily accessible and applicable for men and women of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures. You can find my teachings on my iTunes podcasts, Youtube channels, and at Many people start their day with my #2MinuteMessage on my Facebook page. I also get to host the Real. with Daniel Fusco TV show and the Jesus is Real Radio Ministry, featuring messages on TV and radio stations across the country.
I love to write. I’m a featured contributor to “Preaching Today,” and I have published articles with Leadership Journal,, and I have written numerous books, Ahead of the Curve (2011), Honestly: Getting Real About Jesus and our Messy Lives (2016), Upward, Inward, and Outward: Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others (2017), Crazy Happy (2021), Stories that Jesus Told (2022), & You’re Gonna Make It: Unlocking Resilience when Life is a Mess (2022). All books are available wherever you like to buy books.
I have taught at churches, retreats, youth rallies, leadership seminars, seminaries, college campuses, and pastor’s conferences both in the States and abroad.
I am blessed to be married to Lynn. We live with our three children in Southwest Washington.